Lindsay Herrell

Lindsay earned $501,532 gross commission income (GCI) .

“I found myself putting business before family.”


Escondido, CA

Member since 2011

“I found myself putting business before family. Work was the priority. I was miserable, feeling like I wasn’t succeeding in my personal life or my professional life.”

Lindsay Herrell

Former lawyer, Lindsay Herrell, was used to having to make sacrifices in her personal and family life for her career. Wanting something different for herself and family she became a Realtor. However, she found herself in the same pattern of imbalance in her home and work life.

After the birth of her third child, she realized she needed help with finding the balance she craved. After joining One2One Coaching™ in 2015, she was determined to implement the structure she had been missing in her family and career – and her coach helped her find it.

“She established these little systems during that first call that put really amazing boundaries in my life, so I could be very present for my family and very fulfilled by that,” Lindsay says. “Then, when I was working, I could be very present in my business and for my clients.”

Watch Lindsay’s inspiring story of finding a true balance between work and family. journey toward finding balance. Schedule a free business consultation to learn more about Buffini & Company real estate coaching and training.

Lindsay Herrell Results:

2018 — Lindsay Herrell earned $501,532 gross commission income (GCI) .

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